ONYX | Vaki Kvaki | Voguel

Tattoo Geraldine by [ONYX]

for EvoX Head, fresh, fade and tintable

Bodysuit and Gloves Britney by VAKI KVAKI

for Legacy + Perky + Pushup, Reborn + Juicy + Waifu

different Color or Fatpack

Eyebows Millie by VOGUEL©

HD Brows, 11 Styles, natural and tintable, for LeLUTKA EvoX

@ Tres Chic (from March 19th to April 12th)

My Flickr Album – Tres Chic Event

Head AVALON lel EvoX 3.1 by LeLUTKA

Hair Starlet by Steahltic

eBODY Rebon 1.69.6 visit Inworldshop

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